So we’ve done it! We’ve taken a beautiful design that started life as a spark of imagination staring out of the window of a train or a thumbnail sketch on the back of a napkin and we’ve developed it into a real life, tangible product ready for the big wild world. That’s all there is to it right?! Wrong.
The beautiful chair now needs to put on its boxing gloves and fight for its life in the ring, the ring of testing to Furniture Standards.
Once we have each of our components ready from our supply chain, we assemble a complete chair for the sole purpose of testing. It stands there proud, ready for the fight, the sacrificial lamb of the furniture world.
Now for the boring bit. Most of our furniture is tested to a standard called BSEN 16139: 2013 which is a strength, durability and safety test for non-domestic furniture.
As a designer it’s important to know all aspects of the test right from the start of the process. This ensures I’m engineering a product that is strong and durable. Often using materials such a tubular steel for internal frames or structural plywood for seat boards and chair backs. We use professional advice from our supply chain to supplement our knowledge and make sure the design is as long lasting and safe as possible.
Now for the tests. The battle against the machines puts the furniture through its paces in various ways to ensure the product is fit for purpose and more importantly is safe for the end user.