
Overview If you’re looking to take a break in a quiet spot, grab yourself a book from one of the many bookshelves and make your way into the zen room. This tranquil space boasts a Scandinavian industrial chic. Organic materials such as wood and Jute make an appearance, in addition to greenery, and bohemian furnishings […]
Rocket Space

Overview Rocket Space is a flexible, hassle-free, professional place to work from. Spaces have been created to stimulate and build a strong company culture. The managed office space allows people to focus on activities that benefit their company. It was an essential part of the brief to create multiple spaces for brainstorming, fast meetings, large […]
Cambridge University

We hold full ISO 14001 accreditation and take a proactive approach, continually striving to enhance our and our customer’s sustainable procurement processes and policies. Our commitment was recognised with the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for Sustainable Development.
What makes you Happy?

What Makes you Happy? A New Approach ___ There are signs that things are changing in response to calls like that from the CIPD. The number of UK organisations with wellbeing strategies has increased by 130 percent since 2016, with over two thirds of employers saying they now have a formal plan in place, according […]
WorkCafe – It’s not just about the Coffee

Workcafé It’s not just about the Coffee. ___ The BBC recently published a piece on its website to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Ridley Scott’s movie Alien and what it could tell us about office life. One of the interesting points raised in the piece was how the depiction of the workplace conditions on board […]
What people want from an Office…

Workcafé What people want from the Office… When you ask people what they really want from an office space, most surveys come back with tellingly similar answers. The one that perhaps best sums them all up is from Leesman, which collects more data on the workplace than any other firm in the world so provides […]
The Flat White Economy

Workcafé Flat White Economy According to a 2019 study from the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) think tank, the so-called ‘flat white sector’ is now the most important driver of the UK economy, in terms of the value it adds. The flat white economy, largely made up of smaller businesses in the digital […]
Workcafé – a Brief History

WorkCafé A Brief History ____ There is nothing new in any of this. The first London coffee house was opened in 1652 by a Greek merchant called Pasqua Roseé, who had grown fond of the drink while trading in Turkey, although a previous coffee house had opened in Oxford. Fifty years later, Britain’s nascent coffee […]
Creating Communities & Culture

Workcafé Creating Communities & Culture ____ It is essential that modern office designs create a great experience for employees and visitors and also offer people a sense of community. This is not just good for the employee but also the business, as it is essential that people work in proximity to each other at times […]
Rocket Space
The Sacrificial Lamb

The Sacrificial Lamb Aaron Clarkson – Designer – March 2022 So we’ve done it! We’ve taken a beautiful design that started life as a spark of imagination staring out of the window of a train or a thumbnail sketch on the back of a napkin, and we’ve developed it into real life, tangible product ready […]
What is Wellbeing?

What is Wellbeing? Arguably, no workplace subject is more talked about and misapplied than wellbeing. This is understandable, given the ways work can affect our wellbeing for good or bad and the fact that the subject embraces a wide range of issue and disciplines. Our general wellbeing is defined by our physical and mental health, […]
WFH21 – Legacy of Lockdown

WFH21 The Legacy of Lockdown The work-life paradigm has shifted. A year on from the beginning of the pandemic, we spoke to Marketing Director Kelly Smith & Interiors Visualiser Paul Welch to find out how they’ve been adapting to life and work during the lockdown. Only 10 miles from Boss HQ in the West Midlands, […]
Sustainability Programme 2008 – 2021

The Development of Boss Design’s Sustainability Strategy 2008 – 2021.
Changing Spaces

2020 was an extraordinary year. Almost overnight, Covid 19 forced us to re-evaluate how we live, work and use our space…